Category: Blog

FCC Orders Carriers to Secure Their Networks

In December, US officials claimed that hackers linked to the Chinese government breached security at nine major telecommunications companies, including AT&T and Verizon and some US agencies including the Department of the Treasury.  Apparently, the hackers were able to access employee workstations and some unclassified documents. Officials said that this series of attacks began in […]

Sixth Circuit Court Ends Net Neutrality Likely Forever

To the surprise of almost no one in the telecommunications industry, on January 2, 2025, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati released an Opinion in Docket 24-52, rejecting the FCC’s Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet Order and ending Net Neutrality in the short term and probably for all time.    While the […]

AT&T Gets Limited FCC Approval to Eliminate Copper Home Phone Service

The FCC ended 2024 with a potentially significant decision to grant AT&T permission to replace its traditional copper home phone lines with a new wireless landline technology called AT&T Phone-Advanced (AP-A) for 52 customers in nine small service areas in Oklahoma.   While the number of customers is small, this represents a significant step forward for […]

Supreme Court to Determine Constitutionality of Universal Service Fund

In June the Fifth Circuit Court found that the Universal Service Fund was unconstitutional because the FCC does not administer the Fund itself but instead turns it over to the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). According to the Court, USAC includes members with an incentive to keep the Fund growing and therefore, was illegal.  Since […]

With Brendan Carr in Charge, FCC Changes are Coming

On November 17, 2024, President-elect Donald Trump selected Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr to be the next chairman of the FCC.  Trump stated that Carr “is a warrior for Free Speech and has fought against the regulatory Lawfare that has stifled Americans’ Freedoms and held back our Economy. He will end the regulatory onslaught that […]

FCC Opens Inquiry into Customer Service Provided by Broadband, Phone and Cable Providers

Like a broken record, the FCC continues to try to micromanage every aspect of the telecommunications industry. The latest effort is a 3-2 split decision to begin an Inquiry into the customer service of the telecommunications and cable industries. The Notice of Inquiry (Notice) in Docket 24-472 was released on October 23, 2024, with industry comments due […]

FCC Opens Notice of Inquiry into Data Caps in Consumer Broadband Plans

On October 15, 2024, the FCC began a Notice of Inquiry (Notice) in Docket 23-199 into the data caps that exist for some consumer broadband plans offered by broadband Internet access service (BIAS) providers.  According to the Commission, Data caps are restrictions set by BIAS providers on the volume of bits that a consumer can […]

The 2021 Infrastructure Bill Hits the Real World

In 2021, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law.  It promised that all Americans would have equal access to reliable, high-speed broadband services without discrimination.  This, as I’ll soon explain, is a myth.  Once you leave the bigger cities and their prosperous suburbs, your broadband choices are a complete crapshoot. The infrastructure […]

FCC Begins Latest Inquiry into National Broadband Deployment

Comments are due on October 7, regarding the FCC’s Eighteenth Section 706 Report Notice of Inquiry (Notice) in Docket 24-214. Section 706 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act requires the Commission to conduct an annual inquiry regarding the deployment of “Advanced Telecommunications Capability (i.e., broadband) to All Americans in a Reasonable and Timely Fashion.” In last year’s […]