Category: Blog

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Federal Trade Commission Targets Customer Data Privacy

Normally we concentrate on the FCC and the actions it takes that affect our industry. Today, however, we turn to the increasingly aggressive Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is now encroaching on ISPs more each day.

Democrats Introduce New Net Neutrality Bill

We have often pleaded with Congress to once and for all codify net neutrality rules, so we don’t continue to ping-pong between Republican and Democratic presidents. We envisioned that the two parties would compromise, forbidding blocking, throttling and paid prioritization of traffic, but rejecting utility like Title II regulation for ISPs.

FCC Mandates New Resiliency Requirements for Wireless Networks

On July 6, 2022, the FCC released a Report and Order (Order) and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Further Notice) in Docket 21-346, establishing new rules to improve the reliability and resiliency of vital mobile wireless networks during disasters and other emergencies.

FCC Adopts New Compensation Plan for IP Relay Service

In a Report and Order (Order) released June 30, 2022, in Docket 03-123. the FCC adopted a new compensation plan for Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Fund support of Internet Protocol Relay Service (IP Relay).

FCC Tries Again to Stop Access Arbitrage

Like a bad penny, the issue of access arbitrage continues to turn up every year or two. The last time we confronted this issue was in 2019, when the FCC released the Access Arbitrage Order, in Docket 18-155, in which it revised its Access Stimulation Rules to prohibit local exchange carriers (LECs) and Intermediate Access Providers from gaming the inter-carrier compensation process by inflating traffic volumes to maximize access charge revenues.