Category: Blog

FCC Improves Reassigned Numbers Database

From the “who knew it existed file,” the FCC announced on April 8, 2022, that it is improving its Reassigned Numbers Database (RND) by “making it more affordable and valuable for callers as a resource to reduce the number of unwanted phone calls Americans receive.”

Will Edge Providers Pay for Universal Service?

In FCC Docket 21-476 the industry is debating the future of the Universal Service Fund (USF). There is widespread agreement that the contribution base should remain revenues based but should widen to include revenues from broadband Internet access services

FCC Bars More Companies as U.S. Security Risks

It could be argued that in these days of war in Ukraine and the ever-increasing cyber threats to the United States that the most important job for the FCC is to keep our telecommunications networks safe.

FCC Brings More Broadband Competition to Apartments and Condos

In a Report and Order (Order) released February 15, 2022, in Docket 17-142, the FCC takes steps to bring more broadband competition to multi-tenant environments (MTEs) including apartments, condominiums or other multi-tenant building

ISPS Finally on Offense Regarding Future Broadband Regulation

There is no question ISPs are feeling under attack. The Biden administration has made it clear that as soon as a new FCC commissioner is approved, a sham proceeding will be held which will result in ultra-strict Internet regulation that will include net neutrality and Title II price regulation.

FCC Seeks to Strengthen Rural Health Care Program

In its never-ending mission to make its universal service programs more efficient, the FCC will use its February 18, 2022, meeting to initiate a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) in Docket 17-310 to improve the Rural Health Care (RHC) Program.