CCMI Press & News

FCC Proposes New Rules to Protect US Networks

In December, the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) became law.  The Act appropriated $1.9 billion to the FCC to implement the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019

USTELECOM Seeks Recovery of Lost 8YY Revenues

The FCC 8YY Report and Order (Order) in Docket 18-156 which began a transition to bill-and-keep for many originating 8YY switched access charges became effective on December 27, 2020.

How Will Fintech Drive the Adoption of 5G Technology?

The digital evolution of the financial services industry is unceasing. In a recent article for FinTech magazine, I spoke with Huawei’s Vice President Corporate Strategy –Banking & Financial Markets, Bill Genovese.

Singtel, Starhub-M1 Joint Venture Win Bids for 5G Network Licences

Singtel and a joint venture by StarHub and M1 have won bids to operate 5G networks across Singapore, announced the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) on Wednesday, April 29th. The fifth generation of high-speed mobile Internet, 5Gpromises surfing speeds 20 times faster than what’s offered by 4G networks. Read more at Channel News Asia